How to add a firm record template

Article Objective:  To assist admin users in navigating the Admin Centre within Active Workpapers to add a firm record template to the list of available templates. This ensures a tailored and standardised solution is developed for the specific firm.  

Context: Your firm can add record templates into Active Workpapers for preparers to use when completing accounting jobs. This is a good option where a record provided by Business Fitness is not suitable to your needs or does not exist.

Please refer to the Glossary for definitions of key terms used in this article. 


Accessing the record templates Admin Centre

Navigate to the Active Platform home page.

Click on your name icon and press Admin Centre. 

Click on Record Templates under the Workpapers banner. You will be taken to another webpage. 

The Active Platform ships with a standard set of records/worksheets as below.

Adding a new record template for use within Workpapers

Click on + Add Record Template.

Select the checkbox to make the record Active. Fill out record title, for example, Loan Amortisation Schedule. Create a reference and description if required. Select record mode and the relevant jurisdiction. 

Note: The System Role function is not used regularly and is for advanced administrator use. 


Set the filters for where you want the record template to appear within the Active Platform.

  • Always show: will make this record template available within all types of binders, all the time
  • Entity types: if non-entity specific, leave as the default (as shown below). If not, select the entity type you wish the record to appear in. Note that the record will not appear in any other entity once a choice has been made. For example, any entity can have an amortising loan, and therefore this section would be left as the default
  • Binder types: this is where you select which binder you wish the record to appear in. For example, a loan amortisation schedule would only be added to the 'Accounts and Tax' binder so you would just select that one 
  • Account types: the types of accounts where the record will show up. For example, the amortising loan is a form of borrowing
  • Categories: this is the section of the Workpaper binder where the record will show up in. For example, an amortising loan is a form of borrowing which can either be a current or non-current liability. 

**If you wish to change the record type, such as creating a standalone checklist-only template, please refer

to our article: How to Change the Record Type in Active Workpapers Templates.

Checklist items

You can add checklist items to templates.

To do this, click + Add Item. 

Note: If you are wanting to upload multiple checklist items, we recommend clicking Import from Excel. This will generate a pop-up screen allowing the user to download an import template, complete it and upload accordingly, instead of having to manually add each item.

After clicking + Add Item, the below screen will pop up. Add a title and description to the item as appropriate. 

Checklist item filters

Set the filters for where you want the checklist item to show up in specific binders.

  • Include: allows you to filter which Workpaper binders you want this specific item to show up in. For example, if the checklist item relates to a tax law that is only applicable between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2023, then you can select to have the item show up in Workpaper binders with start and end dates between these dates
  • Entity types: you can make the checklist item show up only in certain entity’s Workpaper binders. For example, if the tax law only applies to companies and would not apply to trusts or partnerships, then you would select company and this checklist item would only show in company Workpaper binders
  • Jurisdictionsallows you to filter which jurisdictions the checklist item will show up in. This will only be available if your firm is in multiple jurisdictions and will default to 'Available to all jurisdictions'. 

Click Save.

For more information in relation to customising and creating record template checklists, refer to the administrator article: How to customise record template checklists or create new


In the worksheet section, click Upload Excel Template.

Find the file you wish to upload into Active Workpapers as a record template.

Select whether you would like this worksheet to show for all Workpaper binders or only those for a specific date.

Click Save.

Give the sheet a name, type the number of reconciliations and select your preferred roll over option.

  • Number of reconciliations: this is the number of reconciliation fields located in the worksheet. For example, an amortising loan will generally have both a current and non-current portion, and the sheet will be used as the supporting worksheet for both balances. This means there is two (2) reconciliations
  • Roll over: this means that the worksheet will roll over when it comes to doing the next years Workpaper binder. For example, it is common practice that the same amortising loan schedule will be used next year to reconcile the loan balances, and therefore it would be a roll over worksheet.

Note: The Commands and Track Business Fitness Template are not used regularly and are for advanced administrator use.

If you want the auto suggestion feature to recommend the record template be inserted into a workbook with the type of account the worksheet would be used to reconcile, select the checkbox below.

Click Add.


You will notice that once added, a 'Files' box will pop up at the bottom of the page. If you ever require the document uploaded to be re-versioned, this is where you would do so by clicking + Add File


The record template has now been added to the Active Workpapers library of worksheets able to be accessed by users within your firm. Search in the search bar to verify it has been added correctly and is active. 


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